Written and Illustrated by Martha Walker
    A Tale Told in Pictures and Rhyme
    About the Book

The Author & Illustrator

My Inspiration to Write
Joey and Ember

Headshot of Martha Walker on a black background
Photo Credit: Ann Rosen

I wanted to write a children’s story that addresses the emotions that emerge when we face those who are different than ourselves.

My hope is that the youngest of readers (and listeners) will understand the beauty of openness and receptivity to all things that fall outside of the “familiar”. Most of us, including children, have experienced, or observed situations where someone was treated badly simply because of their “difference”.

The story flowed from my imagination as if it were always there, waiting to be written. My personal experiences growing up, and my life-long work as an artist, were the tools that I used to communicate this important theme. My deepest wish is that it resonates with all who read it.

Featured Illustrations

Inspired by Joey and Ember

Click an illustration for more details, and to see progression photos of my drawing process.

A Falcon swooped down
taking him far from his home

The new friends each
shared their sad tales
Of losing their families,
and they started to wail.

We can do this together!
Come ride on my head.
You’re as light as a feather.

Joey’s heart became warm.
He licked Ember, saying,
“I’ll protect you from harm.”

Ember was safe
in the cozy Fox den.
She would always belong,
never lonely again.

I was foolish.” Joey said, wrapping Ember in his tail. “Because you were different, my good sense simply failed.”